(267) 351-2277

Car Accident Lawyers in Philadelphia

    Car Accident Lawyers in Philadelphia

      Involved In A Philadelphia Car Accident?

      Given the vast number of cars that drive around Philadelphia every day, it is unfortunately very likely that you will end up in a car accident at some point or another. Many of the accidents that happen every day are relatively minor, just a basic fender bender or a scrape. However, some of the accidents are more severe, and can result in physical injuries as well as serious car damage. If this has happened to you, you need to call a Philadelphia car accident lawyer to make sure your case is handled correctly.

      If you have been in a car accident, the very first thing you need to do is to seek medical attention. Philadelphia has many hospitals, and you need to be sure to see a doctor about your injuries, because many times they do not seem serious until a few hours after the accident. However, after you have seen a doctor, the very next thing you should do is call a car accident lawyer in Philadelphia to assist you with your case.

      Why do you need to talk to a personal injury lawyer?

      It may seem like a waste of time, but it can actually be one of the best decisions you make after your car accident. Car accidents are not only frightening and dangerous, but they can also be extremely costly. Between the medical bills you will gather and the cost of fixing your car, not to mention the income you will lose if you can’t work for a period of time, it can be extremely expensive to handle a car accident and can put a huge financial burden on you and your family. Luckily, with an injury lawyer on your side, you can often get the full compensation that you deserve as an accident victim so that you can cover your medical bills, car repair, and lost income.

      You are probably aware of how expensive medical treatment can be these days, even if you have health insurance. Paying hundreds of dollars for one trip to the emergency room or one day in the hospital is usually not in anyone’s budget, especially because that does not include the cost of any surgeries or other medical procedures you have to have, medications or prescriptions, or physical therapy.

      Add onto that the cost of repairing or replacing your car if it was totaled, and you can find yourself quickly out of thousands of dollars. This is made even worse if you are injured enough to where you can’t go back to work and earn an income to help pay for these new bills, as well as your regular bills like rent or mortgage and utilities. In other words, car accidents can cost you a significant amount of money that you may not have, even if the car accident was not your fault in the first place.

      Our Lawyers Are Here To Help

      If you are stuck in this situation, however, don’t feel hopeless. You have rights as an accident victim, and your injury attorney in Philadelphia can make sure that those rights are respected. One of the most important rights you have is the ability to receive compensation for your injuries and for your car repair. These are usually obtained from the insurance company of the driver responsible for the accident, or from the manufacturer of the vehicle if the accident was caused by a vehicle malfunction.

      However, companies often do not give accident victims the full compensation that they deserve. Because they think that many accident victims do not know what they are really owed, insurance companies will try to settle for a much smaller sum than you deserve. In fact, without an injury lawyer, it can be difficult to know exactly how much money the companies should be giving you to cover your medical bills and other bills.

      Call For A Free Consultation

      This is why calling your Philadelphia accident lawyer right away is extremely important. Once you and your lawyer have gone over the details of your case, including pictures of the accident, witness statements, and your medical bills, your lawyer will begin negotiating with the insurance company or other company to make sure they give you your full compensation.

      Our experience and knowledge about car accidents means that we know how much you deserve, and we will hold the company accountable. If they do not settle, we will take your case to court to make sure you can pay your bills and won’t struggle financially after your car accident. Do not suffer a moment longer than you have to. Call us today at (267) 351-2277